Opportunity Ready
Dr. Shawn HughesDirector of School Counseling Services and Student Records(540) 562-3900 ext. 10232shughes@rcps.us
Karen GarlowSupervisor of School Counseling Services and Student Records(540) 562-3900 ext. 10232kgarlow@rcps.us
Lori EgglestonAdministrative Specialist for School Counseling Services and Home Instruction(540) 562-3900 ext. 10232leggleston@rcps.us
Cindy PickeralAdministrative Analyst for School Counseling Services and Student Records(540) 562-3900 ext. 10230cpickeral@rcps.us
Angela EdwardsAdministrative Assistant for School Counseling Services and Student Records(540) 562-3900 ext. 10231aedwards@rcps.us