Admission Information

    Policy Manual - 7.1 Admission Policy
    In-county and non-resident transfer requests
    Policy Manual - 7.2 Resident and Non-Resident Policy
    Student Information Form -P15 

    Any student enrolling in public schools for the first time must be of school age as set forth by the Commonwealth of Virginia:  A person who will have reached his/her fifth birthday on or before September 30th of the school year.

    Parents/guardians should contact the school in their home area to register their child(ren).

    According to Virginia law, no child shall be admitted for the first time to any public school unless he/she has a report from a licensed physician of a complete physical examination including vision and hearing screening.

    A child's birth certificate must be presented before enrollment in school.

    State law requires that parents be in compliance with all immunization schedules for diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, and haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib). These immunizations must be done before the child enters school.

    If a student has previously been enrolled in another school, State law requires that the parent or guardian provide upon registration, a sworn statement or affirmation indicating whether the student was expelled from school attendance for an offense in violation of school board policies related to weapons, alcohol or drugs, or assault.