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Clubs & Activities
Club List 2023-2024
Drama Club: Mrs. Long (rjlong@rcps.us)
Drama club offers students of all ages and abilities the opportunity to gain confidence and performance skills in a fun and engaging environment. We put on a huge show each year in February. This year's production is the musical Lion King Jr.
FCA: Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Dr. Wyre (rwyre@rcps.us) Mrs. Kimberly Sarrall
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a voluntary student-led group that meets on Thursdays, 7:45 am in the gym.FCCLA: Family Career, Community Leaders of America - Mrs. Kimberly Settles (ksettles@rcps.us)
FCCLA is a national career and technical student organization that promotes personal growth and leadership through Family and Consumer Sciences education. As part of the FACS curriculum, the FCCLA framework helps students develop character, think creatively and critically and prepare for careers through practical knowledge and specific skills.
Meeting Time: FCCLA material is completed during FCS or Teen Living Classes
Green Team: Mrs. Kalafut (jkalafut@rcps.us)
The Green Team is an environmentally focused club open to all CSMS students. Our meetings are generally twice a month from 3:30 to 4:30. We volunteer for our environment and educate ourselves and our community by collecting recycling, stenciling storm drains, planting trees and advocating for the use of reusable water bottles and fountain fillers to reduce bottled water waste in our school. All students are welcome and there is no long-term commitment, so come as you are and come when you can!
SCA: Ms. Ficarro (jficarro@rcps.us)
The Student Council Association (SCA) is a “leadership learning organization for student leaders. The SCA provides learning experiences in leadership and opportunities to practice the citizenship skills necessary for effective participation in our democratic society, in school, and the community.” (VSCA) The goal of CSMS SCA is to help student leaders build student leadership and get involved in the school and community.
Squires’ AIDE Club: Mr. Justin Hubbard (juhubbard@rcps.us)
"Promoting overall wellness to the Cave Spring Middle School students, faculty, and community through activities, demonstrations, and information.”
Yearbook: Mr. Rawlings (srawlings@rcps.us)
The students of this club design and sell the school yearbook. It is a publication handled entirely by the students. The club meets on Mondays from 3:30 to 4:45 pm in room # 134. The pick-up location is outside the cafeteria.