Credit(s): 1 Grade level(s): 9

    Prerequisite(s): None

    In this course, students will develop an understanding of the health concepts, behaviors, and skills that reduce health risks and enhance the well-being of self and others. Specific topics include personal fitness, nutrition, mental and emotional health, safety and first aid, family life education, and the prevention and control of disease. In the physical educational component, students will demonstrate the ability to use basic skills, strategies, and tactics in a variety of activities including team, individual and dual activity, outdoor adventure, rhythm and dance, and strength training and conditioning and relate these activities to personal wellness and the development of an individual fitness plan.


    Credit(s): 1 Grade level(s): 10

    Prerequisite(s): Health & Physical Education 9

    This course includes health, physical education and a nine week classroom component of driver education. Upon successful completion of this course students may enroll in a commercial driving school program to complete behind-the-wheel instruction required to meet DMV requirements for a provisional license. The classroom health education component provides students an opportunity to develop an understanding of health concepts, behaviors, and skills that reduce health risks and enhance the well-being of self and others. Specific topics include injury prevention, medication and substance abuse, marriage, human reproduction, parenthood, and stages of healthy human development. The focus in physical education is on the development of the skills, knowledge, and understanding necessary for the development of personal fitness and the competent participation in a variety of activities including team, individual and dual activities, outdoor adventure, rhythm and dance, and strength training and conditioning. School(s) offering course: All HS

    ADVANCED PE 7640

    Credit(s): 1 Grade level(s): 11-12

    Prerequisite(s): HPE 10

    This elective course is designed to encourage physical activity and provide the opportunity to enhance the skills, knowledge, and understanding necessary for the development of personal fitness and proficiency in a variety of fitness activities, recreational pursuits and individual, dual, and team sports.


    Credit(s): 1 Grade level(s): 11-12

    Prerequisite(s): HPE 10

    The focus of this elective course will be physical conditioning with an emphasis on strength training and the skills and knowledge necessary to develop an individualized personal fitness program. A variety of activities will be incorporated to develop and enhance both the health and skill related components of fitness.