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Announcements - May 17, 2023
- Anyone looking for a summer job, please check out Blackboard under WBHS Counseling and Career Center tab, then go to College Visits/Jobs. There are several available.
- AEP will have a career week from July 24th through July 28th. They will be selecting 10 rising Seniors from Roanoke County Public Schools. If you are interested in this, please come by the Counseling office to see Mrs. Boothe for more information.
- Tomorrow starts Laptop Collection, Terriers! Make sure you pack your charger and your laptop bag tonight! Schedules for collection are posted in your English classroom and outside Mr. Clark's office. All laptops need to be turned in by the end of the day on Friday, May 19th.
- The Art Club will have its last meeting after school on Wednesday, May 17th to work on embroidery in LC9. Hope to see you there!
- Check out the virtual Art Show here https://express.adobe.com/page/qbcqhKi30qMSw/